šŸ‡GRAPE VARIETY : TannatšŸ‡

Tannat is a red grape variety from BĆ©arn šŸ‡«šŸ‡· which belongs to the cotoĆÆdes family. It occupies nearly 3,000 ha of vineyards in France.Ā 

šŸ‚Its leaves are reddish with bronze patches. Its bunches are either of normal size or larger. Its berries have a thin skin andĀ round-shape. Its foliage has a swarthy appearance. This grape variety must be trained inĀ long pruning because it is vigorous.
It appreciates sandy and gravelly soils. Tannat is often exposed to leafhoppers and mites. It is also a littleĀ bitĀ sensitive to grey rot.

šŸ‡OnceĀ ripe, this grape variety produces wines that are acidic, fruity, tannic and full-bodied.Ā WithĀ various aromasĀ such asĀ notably tobacco, cinnamon and exotic wood.

šŸ·Tannat is rarely used alone.Ā Cabernet Franc or Cabernet-Sauvignon givesĀ a harmonious complement in the blends with Tannat.

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